Thursday, March 8, 2012

No we have not stopped..

Just been a little delayed. Sasha-bean had her spay surgury last week and the weather has been a bit weird. But never fear, we will be back on the trails Friday. Planning a longish run with both of the maniacs out at Naces or Moores Bridle Trail.
I have been running with Jenn or at the Gym so I am on track. And chunky boy Gunner is going to be in fine shape for his race.
We had some flooding on the bottoms. That meant the easy access during the week to that trail is off unless we want to swim it. I don't it is too cold...brr. The pups would probley not mind though.
I had my first bike ride of the season, I rode to work on Tues and was nice and I did not get squashed by any one.
Well everyone keep up all the good work and I'll update after our run Fri and even have pics.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lady GaGa and Bagipes

Had a 17 mile run on the schedule. My friend Jenn had a 24 miler so we went together out to the forest fire roads.
It was cold and foggy when we got there. And the weird thing is, it got colder and more foggy as the day went on. Like Werewolf foggy. Eerie.
The first loop was not too bad. I walked up most but not all of the hills. The second loop. That was a different story. My left hip started bothering me some on the uphills and then even on the down hills. But I did the best I could. One of the best things was that I had my Ipod with me and with the help of Lady GaGa, moving fast on the up hills, it was not bad. Also for those that don't know, I also have bagpipe music on my Ipod. I love how majik it feels to run through the hills to the sound of the Grand pipes. Makes my insides happy.
And because I was by myself I actually did the "Party Rock" hamster dance after I made it to the top of a climb I usually can not run. Luckily no one was there to see me.
It is amazing how some music can just help to pull you along even when you think you can't go any farther.
The pups stayed home with Dad this time. It was a bit long for them. They had fun. Dad well he didn't kill them. :)
Onward to a new week.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Baby it's cold outside.

And it was very cold. About 26-28 degrees and slightly breezy. Gunner and Sasha were very excited to go this morning. They missed their exercise yesterday (Wed) due to all the rain. It just poured buckets. So it was a circus getting them ready to go. But we did go.
Gunner was whining as we approached the park. "Come on Mom, hurry!!" Got parked did a short, very short sit, stay then released the Hounds.
Of they went like the speed demons they are. The ground was hard and you could hear them running. Thump,thoump, thoump. I was just walking some today not running much. Had an early morning with Little Miss Sasha. She decided that 3:30 am was the perfect time to up-chuck the dirt and stuff she had sneakily eaten outside. Once she had it up she was fine but we were awake.
Saw a few flocks of Geese flying overhead. Gunner was very interested in them and in the gunshots off in the distance. He was looking like "Birds..where!?!"
Also saw 2 very big and very beautiful blue herons or egrets. I don't really know the difference between them. The pups did a quick search of the water and we were off again. I know that water had to be cold but my water babies did not seem to care.
Did the loop and then a short piece behind the now stripped fields and back to the car. Tired and happy. This weekend I have a long run with Jenn and if it doesn't snow/rain oats one of the days I want to take the dogs to Naces Run to play and see how Sasha does on the grouse terrain. I think she is getting bolder as she grows up a bit.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We are just different

Today's blog will be a departure from the running and dogs. Only because I have a rambling thought to try to put into words.
As I pull my hair up into a pony tail this morning, a pony that I am beginning to not like. I do this because I am an athlete. An athlete by heart if not by speed or finish times. An athlete on a budget, who would rather get a new piece of gear or register for a race than go to a salon to get beautified. This is my journey so I am only referring to me. I know some athletes have more skill and probably more money. Some females do look well put together, either by Grace of genes or a good stylist and I think that is wonderful. I am lucky that my Husband is an understanding soul and loves me long grayish hair or how ever I look. Which at sometimes is a downright mess. I believe that being being what and who I am is more important than having stuff and I think alot of others feel this way too. I have seen friends sleeping in cars at Triathlons and races to save money so they can compete. I know friends that give up luxury to get faster and better gear to improve both their finish times but more importantly improve their souls and muscles. So if you see me with my messy graying hair...look down at the gear on my feet or the gear on my bike. I love it and would not change it but I do indeed think we are different...well at least I am. And I am glad of it. If this is rambling sorry but it is where my mind goes sometimes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rainy days and Tuesdays..

We want to see Olivia too!
Sasha and her taco frisbee...this thing is older than her and they
still have not torn it up.
The demon Sasha. Trying to interest Gunner in the muddy Taco.
He's not having any of it.

I woke at 4 am to the sound of rain pounding on the roof and it was actually thunder and lighting. In Jan.!! How strange. That puts my running at the Bottoms or West Side out for today. It becomes a quagmire in the rain. Naces run it too far for an early work day. So I will run on the Dreadmill after work and get my lower body weight done. Pups can have a day off or play hide and seek with the retriever dummies.

This week schedule and Mon at the park

This weeks running schedule:
Mon. Cross-train Tues. 4 mi Wed. 8 mi. Thurs. 4 mi.
Fri: Off day Sat. 8 mi. Sun. 17 mi Total miles this week:41
Did not have to go in to work until 3. Took G-an and Sasha-bean to the West Side Park to get the run in. It was not as cold as Sun. Only about 40 and breezy. It is always breezy at the Park. I think it must be due to being between the hill and next to the Ohio River. There was no one else in the park when we got there. So off we went down the cross-country track. G-man in the lead and Sasha close behind. Her legs were going all over the place as she tried to figure out how to run through the little snow drifts that were left from the weekends snow. The dogs slammed to a stop at the bank of the little creek and just as I got there I was amazed. Apparently they had gotten a squirrel trapped between the water and the trees. It could not get past them and the water was still really cold. So they were at a standoff until I got too close. Then the squirrel did the totally unexpected...he jumped in the water and swam across and up the tree on the far side of the creek. There he sat wet and giving us a cussing out in squirrel. I did not know squirrels could swim. Learn something new every day. The rest of the run was uneventful. After about 40-50 mins and I was tired and Sasha was doing her...I have a stick I'll lay down until Mom gets here then I'll run a bit and lay down again thing. We went back to the car. Happy and tired pups...well not too tired but at least not vibrating in place either.

Sunday at the bottoms

I had my long run today and other commitments too. So that meant I did part of my run on the "dreadmill" at the gym and then came home and took the dogs for a few loops in the bottoms.
The "bottoms" are a stretch of bushes and grassland between the railroad track and the Scioto River. Mostly it gets used by the ATV'ers and as a flood zone for the river. But it is nice in a weird sort of way. And it is just down the hill from home.
First loop I just took Gunner man. He has more stamina than Sasha...for now. It was icy and snowy and cold. He found a hawk but didn't chase it. The rest of the loops I took the both of them. They had a ball and I got my run in. I walked alot because frozen ATV tracks are like icy rocks and I didn't want to fall like last time. The dogs always look at me funny when I fall. Kind of like "What are you doing down there"
I love watching them run, so fast and fluid. Compared to my woggle running. I hope to eventually be smooth and quick like them so will keep on trying. But just to be out in the world with 2 of my best friends made it a great day.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day one...cold

As the header states this blog is about my running and sometimes walking with my gray dogs. Well actually at this point is is more about my walking fast and trying to get my self back into shape after a injury layoff.
My main running partners are Gunner, my 2.5 year old Weimeraner and Sasha the deamon baby, my one year old Weim. (Gunner in the orange collar and Sasha in the blue)
I love running with them. It is a no pressure situation. They run their pace and I do mine. I don't get lonely. They come back and smile at me with those wolfy grins to tell me they are just lovin' it.
This year I have decided to focus on trail running. I love being out in the woods and forests. Even a tough run is great in the wilderness. And while I don't mind running with people...most that know me well, call me somewhat of a hermit. I don't have a problem with being by myself. I hope that if anyone reads this they will enjoy my progress and I'll try to do alot of pics of the areas that I run in. They are tough but beautiful. So onward with the running and I'll try not to be too longwinded.