Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sunday at the bottoms

I had my long run today and other commitments too. So that meant I did part of my run on the "dreadmill" at the gym and then came home and took the dogs for a few loops in the bottoms.
The "bottoms" are a stretch of bushes and grassland between the railroad track and the Scioto River. Mostly it gets used by the ATV'ers and as a flood zone for the river. But it is nice in a weird sort of way. And it is just down the hill from home.
First loop I just took Gunner man. He has more stamina than Sasha...for now. It was icy and snowy and cold. He found a hawk but didn't chase it. The rest of the loops I took the both of them. They had a ball and I got my run in. I walked alot because frozen ATV tracks are like icy rocks and I didn't want to fall like last time. The dogs always look at me funny when I fall. Kind of like "What are you doing down there"
I love watching them run, so fast and fluid. Compared to my woggle running. I hope to eventually be smooth and quick like them so will keep on trying. But just to be out in the world with 2 of my best friends made it a great day.

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