Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We are just different

Today's blog will be a departure from the running and dogs. Only because I have a rambling thought to try to put into words.
As I pull my hair up into a pony tail this morning, a pony that I am beginning to not like. I do this because I am an athlete. An athlete by heart if not by speed or finish times. An athlete on a budget, who would rather get a new piece of gear or register for a race than go to a salon to get beautified. This is my journey so I am only referring to me. I know some athletes have more skill and probably more money. Some females do look well put together, either by Grace of genes or a good stylist and I think that is wonderful. I am lucky that my Husband is an understanding soul and loves me long grayish hair or how ever I look. Which at sometimes is a downright mess. I believe that being being what and who I am is more important than having stuff and I think alot of others feel this way too. I have seen friends sleeping in cars at Triathlons and races to save money so they can compete. I know friends that give up luxury to get faster and better gear to improve both their finish times but more importantly improve their souls and muscles. So if you see me with my messy graying hair...look down at the gear on my feet or the gear on my bike. I love it and would not change it but I do indeed think we are different...well at least I am. And I am glad of it. If this is rambling sorry but it is where my mind goes sometimes.

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